Fission Reactor
MVP Reactor er en arbeidshest av en midrange. En pålitelig, stabil midrange som flyr beint og avslutter med en framover fade når man kaster den ut flatt. Har du mye kraft i arma så kan du få den til å turne og holde en anhyzerlinje før den til slutt flater ut og fader.
Fission™ has come to the Reactor! When thinking about what the first midrange released in Fission™ plastic would be, the Reactor — beloved for its reliable flight — was a no-brainer first pick. The Fission™ Reactor, thanks to Fission™ Microbubble Technology, is able to be molded all the way down to 155g and still retain its desired flight characteristics. You’ll now be able to enjoy the superb line-holding properties of GYRO® in an extremely reliable midrange, no matter how heavy you like your discs to be! Pick up a Fission™ Reactor today and experience the next step in Fission™ technology!
Disktype | Midrange |
Speed | 5 |
Glide | 5 |
Turn | -0,5 |
Fade | 1,5 |